In Flask, a route is a URL pattern that maps to a function, also known as a view. The view function processes the request and returns a response.
The @app.route decorator is used to define routes in a Flask application. The decorator takes one or more URL patterns as arguments. For example, @app.route(“/”) defines a route for the home page of the website.
In this example, when a user navigates to “http://localhost:5000” in the browser, Flask matches the URL with the route “/” and calls the index() view function, which returns the string “Welcome to the Home Page” as the response.
Flask also allows for dynamic routes, in which a portion of the URL is specified as a variable. For example, @app.route(“/user/<username>”) defines a route that matches URLs like “http://localhost:5000/user/john” and “http://localhost:5000/user/programmingdoor”.
In this example, when a user navigates to “http://localhost:5000/user/john” in the browser, Flask matches the URL with the route “/user/<username>” and calls the profile() view function, passing “john” as the value of the username argument. The function returns the string “Welcome john” as the response.
Routes and views are a fundamental concept in Flask, and are used to handle different types of requests and generate dynamic responses based on user input.
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