Get started with Oracle Apex: Register now to create your own free workspace

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To register for a free Oracle APEX account (to create a Workspace), you can follow these steps:

  • Click on Start for Free Today button
  • Then click on Request a free workspace button
  • Then Fill the for with All the required fields.

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once Form is filled and submitted successfully you will receive a confirmation email from Oracle with below Credentials after approval.

Workspace:     it will be same as you filled in the form above.

username:    it will be same as your email id provided above in the form


  • Below is the email you will get, Then you have to click on Create Workspace button.
  • After You click on Create Workspace button in next page you will get below screen of successful creation message.
  • Now Click on Continue to Sign in Screen button to create a password for your workspace.
  • After Clicking on Change Password, Workspace will be ready for use.

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