Flask is a micro web framework for Python that makes it easy to get started with web development. It is lightweight and easy to use, making it a popular choice for small to medium-sized projects.

To get started, you will need to have Python and pip (the package installer for Python) installed on your computer. Once you have those, you can install Flask by running the following command in your terminal:

Once Flask is installed, you can create a new Python file and import the Flask module. Here is a simple example of a Flask application that will run a web server on your local machine:

This code creates a new Flask application, and defines a single route that maps to the hello() function. The hello() function simply returns the string “Hello, World!” when the root URL (“/”) is accessed.
Then, the last line of the code starts the development web server on your local machine. You can run the application by running the python file and visiting http://localhost:5000/ in your web browser. You will see “Hello, World!”
This is just a very basic example of what you can do with Flask. You can also add templates, forms, and handle HTTP methods like POST and GET.
This is a great way to get started with web development and Python, and Flask makes it easy to learn and build web applications.